The word mandala is from the Sanskrit word which is loosely translated as circle. Traditional
mandala design often utilizes the circle�symbol of the cosmos�and the square�symbol of the
man-made world. Mandalas generally exhibit a center, radial symmetry, and the major points of the
compass: North, South, East, West. The mandala represents wholeness and can be seen as a model for
life itself. It reminds me of the infinite possibilities in life, the world that extends from both within and
without our being. My mandalas are created on the computer from my photographs and from various digital
�painting� techniques. They are an attempt to demystify the contradictions in contemporary society and
the desire to show the �oneness� of the would that we live in.
PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION There is a fence on Ohio Street off of Harbor Way, in Richmond, that I love to photograph. It
has been painted many times over the years and has weathered very beautifully. There is so much going
on on that fence that I have had to go back over and over again to take photographs of it. Not only do
I discover new elements that were there that I didn�t see before, I also realize that I am seeing more and
more totally new forms and ideas that the weather has created since my last visit. I want my abstract
photographs to represent living, changing forms, forms that could be seen in nature or society just as
easily as on a fence in Richmond.
PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION Miraflores is the name given to a cluster of former nurseries owned and operated by
Japanese-American families from the early 20th Century until 2006 when the property was acquired
by the Richmond Community Redevelopment Agency for housing development. The property is
located near I-80 close to the new Target store. It is the last vestige of a once-thriving industry that
spread along the Richmond-El Cerrito border.
The former Sakai, Oishi and Maida-Endo nurseries are historically significant. These
properties are the only extant cut-flower nurseries begun by Japanese-Americans before WW II in
the entire Bay Area as well as the last remaining of Richmond�s community of Japanese American
flower growers. The properties are rare surviving Bay Area nurseries, a once prominent industry in
the core Bay Area counties that has been almost entirely displaced by development pressures during
the last thirty years.
These photographs represent a return to nature for me, a testament to the power of the natural
forces that surround us. What looks at first glance like nature in disarray is actually nature going back
to a native state. As we see the man-made structures disintegrate and the domesticated plant life become
wild we see the powerful forces of nature at work.
Carnaval San Francisco 2007
SF Scenery Composite
Anti-War Demonstration
What is War Good For
Starting in August, 2004, I maintained a photo blog, a vehicle for posting a new photograph or montage on almost a daily basis. My last post to this blog was on February 4, 2007.